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Winter-proof your home with these top energy-saving tips

As winter approaches and daylight starts to dwindle, it's time to think about how to make your home more energy efficient. With the colder months often leading to increased energy consumption and higher bills, now is the perfect time to implement some energy-saving strategies. This blog provides some handy tips to help you lower your average monthly electricity bill. 

Why is my energy bill so high?

To effectively reduce your electricity bill, it's essential to understand where and how you're using energy in your home. Heating and cooling accounts for a significant portion of energy usage, followed closely by appliances, water heating, and lighting. With increased energy prices across Australian homes, there's never been a better time to start winter-proofing your place and help keep your energy bills low. 

Follow these tips to avoid your heating system (and wallet) having to work hard this winter

Energy saving with your heater

Instead of cranking up the heating this winter when the cold weather sets in, set your thermostat to a moderate temperature (around 18-21°C) and use a timer to pre-heat your space before you need it. Aim to keep your home comfortable without overworking your heating system. Additionally, consider closing off rooms that aren't in use to avoid wasting energy.

Maximise heat retention

Close curtains and blinds at night to trap warmth inside, preventing heat loss. Draught-proofing your home by sealing gaps around windows and doors can also help retain heat and reduce energy consumption.

Take advantage of natural drying

Save energy by air-drying your clothes instead of using a dryer. Hang clothes outside on sunny days or use a clothes airer near a sunny window to take advantage of free drying.

Upgrade to energy-efficient appliances

To reduce energy consumption, replace old, inefficient appliances with energy-efficient models. LED light bulbs are cost-effective, use less energy, and last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs.

Consider solar solutions

Harness the sun's power to reduce your energy costs with solar panels. Solar energy can be especially beneficial during winter, providing an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to traditional energy sources. 

How do solar panels work with your energy bill?

Solar panels generate electricity from sunlight, which can offset your traditional electricity usage, potentially reducing your electricity bill.

Using solar energy

If solar panels are installed, maximise them by scheduling high-energy appliances to run during daylight hours. By optimising your solar energy usage, you can further reduce your reliance on the grid and lower your energy bills.

Quick fixes to reduce your energy bill

To start saving on your energy bill right away without planning too far ahead, try these simple adjustments:

  • Layer up: Stay warm by wearing layers of clothing indoors to reduce the need for heating.
  • Opt for natural heating: Swap out electric blankets for hot water bottles or extra blankets to keep warm without increasing energy usage.
  • Adjust your thermostat: Lower the thermostat on your heater to a comfortable temperature (around 18-21°C) to reduce energy consumption.
  • Zone heating: If your heating system is zoned, only heat the rooms you actively use to avoid wasting energy.
  • Maximise natural light: Open curtains during sunny days to let in natural light and warmth, then close them at night to retain heat.
  • Natural drying: Hang your sheets, towels, and clothes outside on a sunny winter's day or on a clothes rack next to a sunny window, and only use the dryer as a last resort.
  • Insulating blinds: Add insulating blinds to reduce heat loss through windows and improve overall energy efficiency.

Do you have some time to dedicate to energy saving?

Invest a weekend in sealing gaps and cracks around your home to prevent heat loss and improve energy efficiency. By going around your house and identifying and sealing gaps around doors, windows, vents, and other areas, you can help keep the heat in and reduce the escape of warm air. Also consider using retractable draught seals, door snakes, or draught-proofing strips for under and around windows. 

Big changes that pay off in the long run

For older homes with significant heat loss issues, consider these long-term investments to improve energy efficiency:

  • Insulation: Insulate your home to reduce heating loss in walls and floors and improve energy efficiency.
  • Quality Rugs: If insulating under the floor is not feasible, lay down large quality rugs to minimise heat loss.
  • Double-glazed windows: Upgrade to double-glazed windows to prevent heat loss and improve energy efficiency, especially in older homes with single-pane windows.

Planning and investing strategically in energy-saving measures can better prepare your home for winter while saving money on your energy bill in the long run. The best place to start is by assessing where you can make any suggested changes or improvements to keep your energy bills low whilst staying warm and comfy this winter.